來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin
小兔子出生時沒有毛,第四天開始長毛。頭發長得很快。經測定,幼兔全耳毛發發育正常,1月齡,毛發長度可達4.2 cm;細毛長度可達2.8厘米,乳毛已全部形成;在60天時,粗毛達到7.5厘米,細毛達到4.5厘米。90日齡時,毛發纖維生長速度與成年家兔相同,日、夜毛發平均生長速度為0.6-0.7 mm。剪掉毛后,大約需要75到90天的時間才能使被毛長回更佳長度。因此,長毛兔一年可以剪4-5次。實驗表明,毛兔每單位體重產毛量是綿羊的2 - 3倍,所需營養是綿羊的1/3。
The little rabbit was born without hair and began to grow on the fourth day. Hair grows fast. The hair development of the whole ear of the young rabbit was normal. At the age of one month, the length of the hair was up to 4.2 cm; the length of the fine hair was up to 2.8 cm, and the milk hair was all formed; at 60 days, the coarse hair was up to 7.5 cm, and the fine hair was up to 4.5 cm. At the age of 90 days, the growth rate of hair fiber was the same as that of adult rabbits, and the average growth rate of day and night hair was 0.6-0.7 mm. It takes about 75 to 90 days for the coat to grow back to its optimum length after shearing. Therefore, the hairy rabbit can be cut 4-5 times a year. The experiment shows that the wool yield per unit weight of wool rabbit is 2 - 3 times that of sheep, and the nutrition requirement is 1 / 3 of that of sheep.
The growth of rabbit hair is restricted by many factors
One is affected by varieties. The output and quality of rabbit hair vary with varieties or varieties.
Secondly, affected by the individual, the weight is directly proportional to the production of hair. The larger the individual is, the larger the body is and the larger the skin area is, the higher the production of hair is.
Third, affected by gender, the hair production of female rabbits is generally higher than that of male rabbits. The hair growth of female rabbits was slow during pregnancy and lactation.
4、 Affected by age. Young rabbits have less hair and poor quality. Hair grows abundantly at the age of 2-3. Three years later, the gross output and quality of the products decreased. The growth rule of hair is that from young rabbit to adult rabbit, the hair of rabbit is from thin to thick; the hair of old rabbit is shorter than that of small rabbit.
5. 受生理條件和生理因素的影響。身體虛弱或疾病會抑制兔毛的生長;兔毛的生長是由神經系統控制的。性腺和垂體的內分泌活動直接影響兔毛的產量和質量。例如,去勢的雄兔兔毛生長快,密而細,產量高。
5. Affected by physiological conditions and factors. Weakness or disease can inhibit the growth of rabbit hair, which is controlled by the nervous system. The endocrine activities of gonad and hypophysis directly affect the output and quality of rabbit hair. For example, the hair of castrated male rabbit grows fast, dense and fine, and its output is high.
蒙陰長毛兔對了解 長毛兔生長特點的重要性的詳細介紹,想要了解更多請點擊官網
The above is a detailed introduction of the importance of Mengyin long hair rabbit to understand the growth characteristics of long hair rabbit. To learn more, please click http://guijingwen.cn