

發布日期:2020-10-16 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin

  Depilation can affect the skin of rabbits, improve blood circulation, increase the growth speed of forward hair, add the content of coarse hair and the quality of forward hair. So how to pluck the long hair rabbit? How to increase the wool production of Angora rabbits?
  1、拔毛方法  拔毛前應先用梳子整理兔毛,如有纏結毛,須先做整理。右手拇指、中指、食指配合好,按兔毛成長的方向,一小撮一小撮均勻地悄悄拔下。拔時動作不宜過急,一次拔取數量不宜過多,切不可強拔和逆向拔毛,以防拔傷兔皮。
  1. Before depilation, the rabbit hair should be treated with a comb. If there is tangled hair, it must be done first. The thumb, middle finger and index finger of the right hand should be well matched. According to the growth direction of rabbit hair, a small part of it should be pulled out quietly and evenly. The pulling action should not be too fast, the number of pulling should not be too much, and it should not be forced or reversed to pull the hair, so as to prevent the rabbit skin from being pulled out.
  拔毛時刻  夏日宜在陰雨天進行,若晴在應選擇清晨和夜間拔毛。冬天應在溫暖的陽光下或在光線足夠的室內拔毛。
  Plucking time in summer should be carried out in rainy days, if sunny should choose morning and night plucking. In winter, the hair should be plucked in the warm sunshine or in the room with enough light.
  Classification depilation: long hair rabbits must be 3 months old before depilation. Nutrition should be strengthened 10 days before depilation. Concentrate with high protein content should be fed to increase the greasy degree of wool. Strong adult rabbits, pull once a month, pull long and leave short. Pregnant rabbits can be depilated 7 days before delivery or 10 days after delivery, while lactating female rabbits can't pluck their abdominal hair.
  2、做到“三個不拔”  一是幼兔、懷孕期、哺乳期母兔及配種期公兔不拔。因為幼兔皮膚嫩,拔毛易撕破皮膚;懷孕母兔拔毛易引起流產;哺乳母兔拔毛會下降泌乳量;配種期公兔拔毛會影響性欲和精液的質量,下降母兔受胎率;二是酷熱氣候正午不拔;第三是嚴寒季節選用拔長留短,區分兩次拔毛,以利御寒。
  2. To achieve the "three do not pull out", one is young rabbit, pregnant, lactation period of female rabbit and mating period of male rabbit. Because the skin of young rabbits is tender, depilation is easy to tear the skin; the depilation of pregnant female rabbits is easy to cause abortion; the depilation of lactating female rabbits will reduce the milk production; the male rabbits in mating period will affect the quality of sexual desire and semen, and reduce the conception rate of female rabbits; the second is that the hot weather does not pull out at noon; the third is the selection of long and short plucking in severe cold season to distinguish two times of depilation, so as to keep out the cold.
  3、及時處理創傷  一旦撕破皮膚,應及時用2%碘酊或紫藥水等涂改創傷,以防細菌感染。
  3. Once the skin is torn, 2% iodine tincture or purple liquid should be used to alter the wound to prevent bacterial infection.
  4、適當加強養分  拔毛后,兔毛成長需求耗費很多的養分。因而,拔毛前后要增加富含蛋白質的飼料以及礦物質,以增強兔體質,促進兔毛成長,削減因拔毛引起的應激反應。
  4. The growth of rabbit hair needs a lot of nutrients after properly enhancing nutrients. Therefore, protein rich feed and minerals should be added before and after depilation in order to enhance the rabbit's physique, promote the growth of rabbit's hair and reduce the stress reaction caused by depilation.
  5、嚴寒季節保暖  冰冷季節拔毛后應做好保暖防寒作業。籠舍內應鋪墊軟而潔凈的墊草,室外兔應在籠門等透風處蓋上麻袋等物品避風保暖。
  5. Keep warm in cold season, keep warm and prevent cold after plucking hair in cold season. The cage should be padded with soft and clean bedding grass, and outdoor rabbits should be covered with sacks and other articles in the cage door to keep warm.
  6、夏日防蚊蟲吸食  夏日蚊子多,長毛兔拔毛后,皮膚暴露,易受蚊子吸食,輕者引起皮膚瘙癢,影響兔休息和成長,重者感染細菌而發病。故夏日拔毛后兔盡量關養在能防蚊蠅的籠舍內,或采納驅蚊措施,保證兔的健康和兔毛成長。
  6. There are many mosquitoes in summer. After depilation, the skin of Angora rabbit is exposed and easy to be ingested by mosquitoes. In mild cases, it may cause skin itching, which will affect the rest and growth of rabbits. In severe cases, the disease will be caused by bacteria. Therefore, after depilation in summer, rabbits should be kept in cages that can prevent mosquitoes and flies, or adopt mosquito repellent measures to ensure the health of rabbits and the growth of rabbit hair.
  7、留意環境衛生  長毛兔拔毛后,兔體抵抗力下降,如不做好籠舍的清潔作業,病菌極易侵入兔體而致兔發病,甚死亡。墊草應常常更換,保持清潔衛生和干燥,籠舍應定時。拔毛人員拔毛前要用肥皂水,并做好其他用具的清潔作業。
  7. Pay attention to environmental hygiene. After depilation, the resistance of rabbit body decreases. If the cage is not cleaned properly, the bacteria can easily invade the rabbit body and cause the disease and even death. Bedding grass should be replaced frequently, keep clean and dry, cage should be disinfected regularly. Before depilation, the depilator should disinfect with soapy water, and clean and disinfect other appliances.