發布日期:2016-10-12 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin
Look at the physical and physical development of young rabbits with good physical symmetry, muscular, their shoulders, back and rear body can not see any bone prominent, touching the chest wide and deep, the back is also wide.
Look nutrition good young rabbit muscle fullness, by Mao Guanghua, bone edges and corners is not prominent, weaning weight up to 500 grams or more.
Look at the posture of healthy young rabbits posture naturally, flexible, coordination. Crouch, forelimb straight, hind in the body; sleep, eyes closed, weak breathing, often lying prostrate, summer winter and elongation of limbs, crouch.
Look at the mental health of the young rabbit eyes round and bright, lively and God, his eyes no secretions; ears easy to activities, when encountered special sound, two ears erected.
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