

發布日期:2019-05-30 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin

Long-haired rabbit is a kind of rabbit. Rabbit hair has high value and wide application. I remember that the production of long-haired rabbits was not very high when it was first introduced, but after the continuous improvement of breeding technology in the later period, the production of long-haired rabbits has changed significantly, and the price of rabbit hair and the demand for rabbit hair are also increasing. Long-haired rabbits are listed as a poverty alleviation project by the state in many places.
Next, Xiaobian will introduce to you the work of "three precautions" to be done in raising long-haired rabbits, that is, to do a good job in preventing heat, moisture and cold in the long-haired rabbit house.
1, prevent heatstroke
長毛兔生活適宜的溫度為15℃-25℃,兔舍溫度高于25℃時,食欲下降、食量減少;兔舍溫度高于30℃時,應及時在兔舍上搭設 遮陽網,或種植絲瓜、葫蘆等來遮蔭,防止強烈的陽光照射兔舍頂而增加舍內溫度。還應通過降低飼養密度、越夏前剪毛、停止 配種繁殖、供給清涼飲水及舍內及時灑水等措施降溫,保證長毛兔越夏。給長毛兔補充淡鹽水,讓其自由飲用,可以預防中 暑。
The suitable temperature for long-haired rabbits is 15-25 C. When the temperature of rabbit house is higher than 25 C, the appetite decreases and the food intake decreases. When the temperature of rabbit house is higher than 30 C, the shading net should be set up on the rabbit house in time, or luffa and gourd should be planted to shade the rabbit house, so as to prevent the strong sunlight from irradiating the roof of the rabbit house and increasing the temperature of the house. We should also reduce the temperature by reducing the feeding density, shearing before summer, stopping breeding, supplying cool drinking water and timely sprinkling water in the house, so as to ensure the safe oversummer of rabbits. It can prevent heatstroke by supplying light salt water to rabbits and allowing them to drink freely.
2. Moisture-proof.
環境潮濕,長毛兔容易患球蟲病、疥癬病和各種細菌性傳染病。早春、晚秋陰雨天氣,氣溫突然下降,兔舍要及時生火供暖, 避免兔舍溫度突然下降而使兔生病,還要去除潮氣,防止病原體孳生。夏季陰雨天氣,空氣中濕度較大,高溫與高濕均不利于家 兔的生長繁殖。為此,室外兔舍務必要搭晾棚遮蔭;室內兔舍這時則應安裝紗窗紗門敞開窗促進空氣對流交換。高溫天氣可在兔的 籠舍內放置以井涼水浸泡過的清潔磚塊,外而用塑料袋包裝,讓兔伏身磚上降溫防暑;有條件的可在兔舍安裝風扇吹風,以促進散 熱與換氣。也可在地面撒些生石灰、草木灰用以吸潮,降低舍內濕度。猛雨天氣應暫時關閉窗戶防止雨水灑進室內加重潮濕,并 及時排除兔舍周圍的積水。
In humid environment, rabbits are susceptible to coccidiosis, scabies and various bacterial infectious diseases. In rainy weather in early spring and late autumn, the temperature drops suddenly. Rabbit houses should be heated by fire in time to avoid the sudden drop of temperature in rabbit houses and make rabbits sick. Moisture should also be removed to prevent pathogens from breeding. Summer rainy weather, high humidity in the air, high temperature and high humidity are not conducive to the growth and reproduction of rabbits. To this end, outdoor rabbit houses must be built to shade the air, while indoor rabbit houses should be installed screen doors and open windows to promote air convection exchange. In high temperature weather, clean bricks soaked in cool water can be placed in the rabbit's cage, and packed in plastic bags to cool the rabbit's body and prevent heat. Fans can be installed in the rabbit's cage if necessary to promote heat dissipation and ventilation. It can also sprinkle some quicklime and plant ash on the ground to absorb moisture and reduce the humidity in the house. Storm weather should temporarily close the windows to prevent rainwater from spilling into the room to increase humidity, and timely remove the water around the rabbit house.
3, cold prevention
長毛兔雖然有一定抵御低溫的能力,但在0℃以下時繁殖力和產毛量就會受到影響,要想獲得好的繁殖和產毛效果,種兔舍溫 度應不低于15℃;仔兔培育溫度不得低于25℃,否則仔兔體溫下降,新陳代謝減緩,容易導致生病死亡;幼兔舍溫度也不能低于20 ℃,否則幼兔常因消化不良、發生胃腸炎等影響生長。因此,如冬季兔舍溫度達不到所需溫度時,就要采取保溫或加溫措施,以取得良好的生產效果。
Although long-haired rabbits have the ability to withstand low temperature, their fecundity and wool yield will be affected when the temperature is below 0 C. In order to achieve good reproduction and wool production effect, the temperature of breeding house should not be lower than 15 C. The temperature of breeding house should not be lower than 25 C. Otherwise, the body temperature of young rabbits will drop, metabolism will slow down, and it will easily lead to illness and death. The temperature of young rabbit house should not be lower than 20 C, otherwise, young rabbits will die. Often due to indigestion, gastroenteritis and other factors affecting growth. Therefore, if the temperature of rabbit house can not reach the required temperature in winter, it is necessary to take thermal insulation or heating measures to achieve good production results.
To learn more about rabbit breeding techniques, please pay attention to our official website: http://guijingwen.cn