Recently, a lot of little friends feedback how to ensure the breeding of long haired rabbits in winter! So today, we will teach you how to ensure the reproduction of long haired rabbits from Mengyin Xinhua rabbit farm in Shandong Province! Winter also passed immediately, immediately into the spring, spring is a good time for long hair rabbit to gain weight, we must seize this time!
In winter, because of the low temperature, if the temperature of the rabbit house is lower than 5 ℃, the estrus of the female rabbit will be stopped, which will affect the reproduction work. Therefore, the winter reproduction work of the long haired rabbit should be done well in winter:
1. Heat up the shed. The rabbit house is built in the leeward and sunny place. In winter, it is covered with plastic cloth and covered with straw at night for heat preservation. In this way, the day temperature can be over 25 ℃ and the night temperature can be kept around 15 ℃, which is suitable for a certain planned rabbit farm. Pay attention to timely ventilation when the day temperature is high.
2. Cellar insulation. That is to say, the pregnant female rabbit is put in the cellar and let itself make a hole in the cellar to reproduce. After the full moon of the baby rabbit, it will be brought out by the female rabbit. This method saves labor and money, and has a high survival rate. It is suitable for Rural Courtyard farmers who breed less otter rabbits.
3. The litter box is heated by electric energy. The common method is to heat the baby box with an electric bulb. Generally, each litter box is equipped with a 25 watt incandescent bulb, which can keep the temperature in the box at about 20 ℃. Pay attention to the distance between the light bulb and the baby rabbit. It is better to put your hand on the baby rabbit without feeling hot.
How to catch the best time to gain weight correctly:
一. 從管理入手。合理布置長毛兔的密度,保持在成年兔6-8只每平方。并且到了春季更好做到公母兔分群,這樣有利于管理。
First, start with management. The density of long hair rabbits should be arranged reasonably, and kept at 6-8 rabbits per square meter. And in spring, it's better to group male and female rabbits, which is conducive to management.
二. 催肥方法。廋兔能夠恰當添加一些糖水的攝入,建議連續喂養糖水半個月左右。另外,黃豆粉6%(炒熱)、大茴香粉7%、硫酸亞鐵8%、甘草粉9%、干姜粉20%、肉桂粉50%,充分混合拌入猜中,并加適量水拌勻,每只兔每天喂3克,隔天喂1次,15天后增重明顯,平均每天可增重35-50克。
2. Fattening methods. It is suggested that the thin rabbits should be fed with sugar water for about half a month. In addition, soybean powder 6% (stir fried), anise powder 7%, ferrous sulfate 8%, licorice powder 9%, dried ginger powder 20% and cinnamon powder 50%, mix well into the guesses, and add proper amount of water to mix well. Each rabbit is fed 3 grams per day, once every other day. After 15 days, the weight gain is obvious, with an average of 35-50 grams per day.
三. 確保草料的及時枯燥,春季雨水多的時候,必定確保草料枯燥,有露水或等的草料容易引起兔子拉肚子,從而影響增重的進程。
3. Make sure that the forage is dry in time. When there is much rain in spring, make sure that the forage is dry. Dew or other forage will easily cause diarrhea in rabbits, thus affecting the process of weight gain.
四. 及時查看,春季各類病菌添加,需要及時清理兔舍,一但發現病兔要及時隔離處理,避免傳染其他兔子。
IV. check in time. In spring, when all kinds of bacteria are added, the rabbit house needs to be cleaned in time. Once the sick rabbit is found, it needs to be isolated in time to avoid infecting other rabbits.
The above is the introduction of how to ensure the breeding work of Angora rabbit and how to increase the fat of Angora rabbit in spring! I hope I can help you! To learn more, please click http://guijingwen.cn