發布日期:2013-10-17 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin
一、 環境。是指影響長毛兔的生活、生產的外界條件的總稱。家兔的健康,實際上就是指長毛兔的機體與環境達到統一平衡的狀態。所以根據長毛兔的生物學特征、生理特點,在兔籠附屬設施建造方面創造一個良好環境,已成為科學養兔的總要內容,是保證兔子健康,充分發揮其生產潛力的重要手段。影響兔舍環境的因素很多,比如溫度、濕度、通風、光照、噪聲、灰塵及綠化等。
One, the environment. Collectively refers to affect the life, production of the external conditions of wool rabbit. In health, actually is refers to organism and environment Angora rabbit to achieve balance state. So according to the characteristics of biological characteristics, Angora rabbit hutch physiological, in the construction of ancillary facilities to create a good environment, has become the general contents of science is to ensure that the rabbit rabbit, health, an important means to give full play to its production potential. Many factors affect the rabbit house environment, such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, noise, dust and greening.
二、 兔籠設計。兔舍設計必須“以兔為本”,充分考慮家兔的生物學特征(尤其是生活習性)。考慮保溫、防暑、通風、隔離噪音等性能,創造一個冬暖夏涼、空氣新鮮、干燥、清潔、安靜的良好環境。
Two, this design. Rabbit house design must first "the rabbits", fully consider the biological characteristics of rabbit (especially life habit). Thermal insulation, heatstroke, dehumidification ventilation, sound insulation performance considerations, to create a good environment, fresh air, cool in summer and warm in winter, dry, clean, quiet.
三、 場址選擇。兔場場址應選在地勢高燥、平坦,有適當坡度、背風向陽、地下水位低、排水良好的地方。低洼潮濕、排水不良的地方不利于兔舍保持清潔、干燥和通風透氣,而易滋生寄生蟲、霉菌和其它病原菌,不能選用。
Three, site selection. Warren sites should be selected in the dry, flat, with proper gradient, the leeward Sunningdale, the underground water level is low, good drainage. Low-lying wet, poorly drained areas is not conducive to the rabbit house clean, dry and ventilated, and easy to breed parasites, fungi and other pathogens, can not use.