

發布日期:2014-07-01 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin

保證初乳 仔兔生下后,要逐只檢查是否吃上初乳,如果沒有吃上初乳,在10個小時之內一定要讓仔兔吃上初乳,否則仔兔不易成活。
Ensure the colostrums after giving birth to rabbits, by checking whether eat colostrum, if not eat colostrum, within 10 hours to make sure the young rabbit eat colostrum, otherwise the rabbit is not easy to survive.
整理產箱 如果仔兔已經吃上初乳,要及時整理產箱。

Finishing the box if the pups have eat colostrum, to sort out the box in a timely manner.
仔細檢查 仔兔吃完奶以后,要逐只檢查仔兔吃奶情況,如果仔兔沒有吃飽,要單獨飼喂,一定要讓每只仔兔吃飽,在放回產箱之前,每天還要逐只檢查仔兔呼吸道是否流暢,防止仔兔因呼吸道不暢窒息死亡。
Carefully check the baby rabbit eating milk and later, by only check the pups suckling pups, if not full, to be fed alone, must let each newborn rabbits eat, before putting it back in the box, every day but also by only check the rabbit airway is smooth, prevent the baby rabbit airway obstruction due to asphyxia death.