

發布日期:2018-08-30 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin

Nutritive value of long haired rabbit
1.蛋白質含量高。 從表中看出,兔肉中含蛋白質高達24.25%,還含有人體不能組成的8種必需氨基酸,是徹底蛋白質,生物價高,可維持健康和促進成長。兔肉中賴氨酸高于其他肉類,在植物性食物中缺少賴氨酸,故人體需常常彌補賴氨酸。
1. protein content is high. From the table, rabbit meat contains up to 24.25% protein, but also contains eight essential amino acids that human body can not constitute, is a complete protein, high biological value, can maintain health and promote growth. Lysine in rabbit meat is higher than that in other meat, and is deficient in plant food, so the human body often needs to make up for it.
2.礦物質含量豐厚。 兔肉中灰分含量達1.52%,超越其他畜禽肉,尤其是鈣的含量多,是兒童、孕媽媽、老年人及患者的天然補鈣食物。
2. minerals are abundant. The ash content of rabbit meat is 1.52%, which is more than other livestock and poultry meat, especially calcium content. It is a natural calcium supplement food for children, pregnant mothers, the elderly and patients.
3.維生素含量以煙酸更多。 煙酸(維生素PP),又叫抗癩皮病V,人體如缺少煙酸,會使皮膚粗糙,發作皮炎,故常吃兔肉會使人體皮膚細膩白嫩,有美容效果。所以,日本和西歐將兔肉稱謂“美容肉”。
3. the most vitamin content was nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), also known as anti-psoriasis V, human body, such as the lack of nicotinic acid, will make the skin rough, the onset of dermatitis, so often eat rabbit meat will make the human skin delicate, white and tender, have cosmetic effect. Therefore, Japan and Western Europe refer to rabbit meat as "beauty meat".
4.膽固醇含量低,磷脂含量高。 血液中磷脂高、膽固醇低時,膽固醇沉積在血管中的可能性就削減。因而,兔肉是高血壓、肥胖癥、動脈硬化患者和老年人更理想的肉食物。
4. cholesterol content is low, phospholipid content is high. When blood phospholipids are high and cholesterol is low, the possibility of cholesterol deposition in blood vessels is reduced. Therefore, rabbit meat is the most ideal meat food for hypertension, obesity, arteriosclerosis patients and the elderly.
5.脂肪含量低。 兔肉脂肪含量低,且多為飽滿脂肪酸;熱量也低,契合人們對健康肉品生產發展的要求。
5. fat content is low. Rabbit meat has low fat content and is mostly full fatty acid, and low calorie content, which meets the requirements of healthy meat production and development.
6.消化率高。 兔肉肌纖維細嫩,簡單消化吸收,其消化率達85%,顯著高于其他肉類,尤其是雞肉。因而,兔肉是幼兒、老年人、患者和體弱者更為理想的滋補品。
6. high digestibility. Rabbit muscle fiber is delicate, simple digestion and absorption, its digestibility reached 85%, significantly higher than other meat, especially chicken. Therefore, rabbit meat is the most ideal tonic for young children, the elderly, the sick and the weak.
(At the Xinhua Rabbit Farm in Mengyin, Shandong Province, people who are interested in rabbits can pay attention to us at http://guijingwen.cn. Please look forward to more exciting content.)