The estrus factors of Angora rabbits are not only regulated by hormones in receptors, but also influenced by seasons, environment, feed and mechanical stimulation. Therefore, the estrous cycle of Angora rabbits is a complex physiological phenomenon which is affected by internal and external factors.
(1)生理因素:長毛兔的發情周期隨著卵巢功能和形態的改變而改變。根據卵巢的形態和功能,可分為卵泡期和黃體期。它們的替代和復發構成了長毛兔發情周期的連續循環。卵泡期卵泡上皮細胞分泌的雌激素促進長毛兔生殖器官的發育和第二性征的出現,使長毛兔的生殖功能活動達到高峰,產生性欲。但兔子在發情時不排卵,排卵必須經過交配刺激作用10 ~ 12小時后才能產生,這種現象稱為刺激排卵。雄兔爬過雌兔并不是刺激排卵的條件,發情的母兔被其他雌兔反復爬過,也會引起排卵。在失去受精機會后,卵子會吸收所有的卵子。兔媽媽排卵后形成黃體,黃體期是黃體分泌黃體酮的一個相當穩定的時期,黃體期可以維持血液中一定的水平,抑制卵泡發育。黃體酮促進子宮內膜增生,分泌一種叫做“女兒奶”的營養物質,為受精卵的植入和分裂創造條件。如未受精,黃體通過3 ~ 5天,被正式分泌的前列腺素所溶解,從而黃體酮水平迅速下降,這種變化導致卵泡期開始,隨后重新出現發情。
(1) Physiological factors: the estrous cycle of Angora rabbits changes with the changes of ovarian function and morphology. According to the shape and function of ovary, it can be divided into follicular stage and luteal stage. Their replacement and recurrence constitute the continuous cycle of oestrus cycle. Estrogen secreted by follicular epithelial cells in follicular phase promotes the development of reproductive organs and the appearance of secondary sexual signs, which leads to the peak of reproductive function and sexual desire. However, rabbits do not ovulate when they are in estrus. Ovulation can only be produced after 10 to 12 hours of mating stimulation. This phenomenon is called stimulating ovulation. It is not the condition to stimulate ovulation that the male rabbit climbs over the female rabbit. If the estrous female rabbit is repeatedly climbed over by other female rabbits, it will also cause ovulation. After losing the chance of fertilization, the egg will absorb all the eggs. Luteal phase is a stable period for luteal secretion of progesterone. Luteal phase can maintain a certain level of blood and inhibit follicular development. Progesterone promotes endometrial hyperplasia and secretes a nutrient called "daughter's milk", which creates conditions for the implantation and division of fertilized eggs. If not fertilized, the corpus luteum is dissolved by prostaglandins which are officially secreted for 3 to 5 days, thus the level of progesterone drops rapidly. This change leads to the beginning of follicular period and subsequent re emergence of oestrus.
(2) Seasonal effect: the estrus activity of female rabbits also changed periodically with the change of season and light time. In spring, when the time of illumination changed from short to long, the sexual activity of female rabbit also increased gradually. When the light time increased from the short time before and after the vernal equinox to 12 hours, the estrus rate of female rabbit was the highest in the whole year, the estrus cycle was short, and the mating success rate was high. The peak of this kind of sexual activity, with the gradual increase of light time, extends to around the summer solstice (that is, the summer solstice). , late June). The sexual activity of female rabbits decreased gradually after the time of illumination decreased from long to short, until the winter solstice (late December), the oestrus rate of female rabbits decreased to the low tide of the whole year. It is characterized by a long oestrus cycle, not obvious performance, low pregnancy rate.
In addition, the sexual activity of mother rabbit, a long haired rabbit, is also affected by the weather. When the weather is good, the female rabbit has obvious thermal performance, strong sexual desire and good mating effect. In rainy, windy and snowy days, the sexual desire and mating effect of female rabbits were poor.
(3)飼料因素:飼料成分的質量直接影響母兔的性行為。綠色飼料不足時,特別是維生素嚴重缺乏時,母兔發情行為少,交配率低于10%。當綠色飼料充足時,長毛兔種兔媽媽兔有規律的發情期。特別是在春季3 - 4月,由于飼料豐富,營養價值高,母兔發情率和受孕率可高達80%以上?
(3) Feed factors: the quality of feed ingredients directly affects the sexual behavior of female rabbits. When the green feed is insufficient, especially when the vitamin is seriously deficient, the estrous behavior of female rabbits is less, and the mating rate is less than 10%. When the green feed is enough, the mother rabbit has regular estrus. Especially from March to April in spring, due to the rich feed and high nutritional value, the oestrus rate and conception rate of female rabbits can reach more than 80%?
(4) Mechanical stimulation: in the absence of external stimulation, the estrus of female Angora rabbits raised alone was not obvious. If the long hair rabbit is allowed to breed the mother rabbit for group sports, giving the opposite sex or the same sex the chance to chase each other to climb, the mother rabbit then shows obvious sexual behavior, and leads to increased sexual desire, making the mother rabbit not hot in advance. The female rabbits in estrus also show the initiative to look for male rabbits and climb over other male or female rabbits. For the phenomenon of mating posture and hole grabbing, mating at this time can greatly improve the pregnancy rate and litter rate of female rabbits: the number of litter is greatly increased.
The above is a detailed introduction of what external factors affect the oestrus period of Mengyin long hair rabbit. For more information, please click http://guijingwen.cn