

發布日期:2020-04-21 來源:http://guijingwen.cn 發布人:admin

  As an acute infectious disease, when the pet rabbit is infected with rabbit fever, the owner should first isolate and disinfect it, and then treat it, so as not to infect other pet rabbits or themselves.
  1、 Antibacterial treatment
  1. 鏈霉素:是臨床各類型的藥物,其濃度小于0.4g/L,成人1g/d,分為2次肌肉注射,共10 ~ 14天。后24 - 48小時內,淋巴結和皮膚潰瘍未見細菌,但局部淋巴結腫大仍需數周才能消失。臨床疑似患者應及早使用鏈霉素,有利于預防并發癥,降低病死率。
  1. Streptomycin: it is the first choice drug in clinical treatment. Its antibacterial concentration is less than 0.4g/l, and 1g / D for adults. It is divided into two intramuscular injections for 10-14 days. Within 24-48 hours after treatment, no bacteria were found in lymph nodes and skin ulcers, but local lymph nodes swelling still took several weeks to disappear. Clinical suspected patients should use streptomycin as early as possible, which is helpful to prevent complications and reduce mortality.
  慶大霉素(5mg/ kg·d)是一種合適的替代藥物,其作用與鏈霉素相同。
  Gentamicin (5mg / kg · d) is a suitable alternative drug with the same effect as streptomycin.
  3.四環素:同樣有效,2g/d,分4次口服,連續使用14天。對于嚴重的病例,可以使用四環素注射液。前2 ~ 3天劑量為30 ~ 50mg/ (kg·d),以后可降15 ~ 20mg。也可以選擇米諾環素(米諾環素米諾環素)和其他半合成四環素。
  3. Tetracycline: it is also effective, 2G / D, taken orally four times, and used continuously for 14 days. For severe cases, tetracycline injection can be used. The dosage was 30-50Mg / (kg · d) in the first 2-3 days, and then decreased to 15-20mg. Minocycline (minocycline minocycline) and other semi synthetic tetracyclines can also be selected.
  4. 氯霉素:療效好。兒童30mg/ (kg·d),成人2 ~ 3g/d,口服或靜脈滴注,連續使用10 ~ 14天。卡那霉素也有效。這些藥物也可以與重癥患者聯合使用,以防止耐藥性的發展。本病常見復發,療程應稍長。
  4. Chloramphenicol: good effect. Children 30mg / kg · D, adults 2 ~ 3G / D, oral or intravenous drip, continuous use for 10 ~ 14 days. Kanamycin also works. These drugs can also be used in combination with severe patients to prevent the development of drug resistance. The recurrence of the disease is common and the course of treatment should be a little longer.
  2. General treatment
  Systemic support therapy is also important. Patients should be isolated, and their excreta, secretions, utensils, etc. should be disinfected. If the lymph node is swollen and there is no abscess, do not cut and drain. The diet should take in enough calories and proper protein. Patients with pneumonia should be given oxygen.
  The above is a detailed introduction to the treatment measures of leprosy. For more information, please click http://guijingwen.cn