一、合理選址建舍 規模養兔時兔場要求向陽、背風、高燥、通風,且要取排水方便 舍內地面及運動場要硬化,更好采用水泥混筑,要求一定的排水坡度養殖方式更好是籠養。
1、 The rabbit farm shall be sunny, leeward, dry and ventilated, and the ground and playground in the house shall be hardened. It is best to use cement mixed construction. It is required to have a certain drainage slope. The best breeding method is cage breeding.
二、堅持自繁自養 場內應飼養足夠數量的種兔,自繁白養,可有效控制病菌傳人,降低成本。同時又可避免新購仔兔因環境突變發生應激反應,導致生長停滯期。如確需購入。必須隔離觀察半個月以上,確認無病后方可人群。
2、 Adhere to self breeding and self breeding. A sufficient number of breeding rabbits should be raised in the self breeding and self breeding farm, which can effectively control the transmission of bacteria and reduce the cost. At the same time, it can avoid the stress response of newly purchased young rabbits due to environmental mutation, resulting in growth stagnation. If necessary. It must be isolated and observed for more than half a month, and the crowd can be released only after it is confirmed that there is no disease.
三、按時接種免疫 兔病毒性出血癥(兔瘟)是嚴重威脅養兔業的烈性傳染病。發病急、傳播快,疫苗免疫是目前可靠的防病途徑。具體方法是:在兔子股內側皮下注射1毫升,如果是3月齡以內的幼兔減半,那就是0.5毫升,免疫期為6個月。記住漏種的要及時補種。 四、定期 場舍及時糞便。籠舍用具及運動場定期。可選用1-2%熱燒堿水或5-10%石灰水噴灑。同時嚴禁商販及閑雜人員隨意出入。
3、 Rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease (rabbit plague) is a severe infectious disease that seriously threatens the rabbit industry. Vaccine immunization is the only reliable way to prevent disease. The specific method is: inject 1ml subcutaneously into the medial thigh of rabbits. If the young rabbits less than 3 months old are halved, it is 0.5ml, and the immune period is 6 months. Remember to replant the missed seeds in time. 4、 Disinfect the premises regularly and remove feces in time. Cage utensils and playground are disinfected regularly. 1-2% hot boiled alkali water or 5-10% lime water can be used for spraying. At the same time, vendors and miscellaneous personnel are strictly prohibited to enter and leave at will.
五、定期驅蟲 特別是雨季要注意防治兔球蟲病,對于藥物殘留時間長的,出售前嚴禁使用。 六、充足飲水 兔舍及運動場要設水槽,每天保證供足清沽的飲水,冬季宜飲溫水。
5、 Regular insect repelling, especially in rainy season, should pay attention to the prevention and treatment of rabbit coccidiosis. For drugs with long residue time, it is strictly prohibited to use them before sale. 6、 Sufficient drinking water rabbit house and playground shall be equipped with sink to ensure sufficient drinking water for sale every day. Warm water should be drunk in winter.
七、注意防暑 兔運動場夏季要搭設涼棚,加強通風,午問向舍內及運動場噴灑井水或自來水。
7、 Pay attention to the sunstroke prevention rabbit playground. In summer, a canopy shall be set up to strengthen ventilation. In the afternoon, well water or tap water shall be sprayed into the house and the playground.
8、 Safety and disease prevention
1、腹瀉 多由陰雨連綿、喂給精料剩余且酸敗、青草不潔被泥*污染、籠舍通風不良等所致。 預防:注意飼料衛生,少喂精料,青飼料更好曬半干飼喂,籠舍潮濕可撒石灰、草木灰、鋸末等,吸潮。 :可選用氟哌酸、痢特靈、環丙沙星等,也可用木炭末、玉米棒灰等拌飼料喂。
1. Diarrhea is mostly caused by continuous rain, surplus and rancid concentrate fed, unclean grass polluted by mud, poor ventilation of cage, etc. Prevention: pay attention to feed hygiene and feed less concentrate. It is best to dry the green feed in the sun. If the cage is wet, sprinkle lime, plant ash, sawdust, etc. and absorb moisture for disinfection. Treatment: norfloxacin, dysentery, ciprofloxacin, etc. can also be fed with mixed feed such as charcoal powder and corn cob ash.
2、中暑 雨過天晴,兔舍悶熱,通風不良所致。 預防:保持兔舍通風和潔燥,供足飲水,降低飼養密度。 :將兔轉移到通風陰涼處,用冷水敷頭或耳、尾尖或腳趾放血,同時內服仁丹、綠豆湯、十滴水、藿香正氣水等。
2. It is caused by heat stroke, rain and sunshine, stuffy rabbit house and poor ventilation. Prevention: keep the rabbit house ventilated and dry, provide sufficient drinking water and reduce the feeding density. Treatment: transfer the rabbit to a ventilated and cool place, apply cold water on the head or ears, tip of tail or toe for bleeding, and take Rendan, mung bean soup, shidishui, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, etc.
3、球蟲病 多發生于雨過天晴之后, 陽光照曬,潮濕氣上升.球蟲卵大量滋生污染草料或飲水所致。 預防:勤打掃籠舍衛生,保持清潔,平時多給兔喂洋蔥、大蒜、韭菜等,以提高兔的抗病力。 :可選用球蟲凈、氯苯胍、滅球靈等,雨季來臨之前應及早預防,選擇1-2種藥物即可,連喂1-15天即可。
3. Coccidiosis mostly occurs after the rain, the sun shines and the moisture rises. A large number of coccidiosis eggs breed and pollute forage or drinking water. Prevention: clean the cage frequently, keep it clean, and feed more onions, garlic and leeks to the rabbits to improve the disease resistance of the rabbits. Treatment: coccidial net, chlorobenzene guanidine, mirex, etc. can be selected. Prevention should be carried out as soon as possible before the rainy season. Select 1-2 drugs and feed them for 1-15 days.